Talks and Slides

Slides and details of my talks

Distributed Tracing with Grafana Tempo and TraceQL - Cloud Native Chennai - Mar 2024

Talk is about Basics of Distributed Tracing, and deep dive into Tempo.

  • Event: Cloud Native Chennai - Mar 2024 (In-Person) - Mar 2024
  • About: Observability, Distributed Tracing
  • Slides

Building scalable OSS observability on AWS with Mimir, Loki, Tempo, and Pyroscope - AWS Community Day Kochi, Dec 2023

Introduction to logs, metrics, traces and profiles talk, and how you can monitor your AWS with Grafana Cloud.

  • Event: AWS Community Day Kochi, Dec 2023 (In-Person) - Dec., 2023
  • About: Observability, AWS, DevOps
  • Slides, Video

Digging Into ActiveSupport::Notifications - Bangalore Ruby User Group, 2023

Talk is about Active Support Instrumentation (ActiveSupport::Notifications), what it is and how you can use it in your Rails or ruby applications.

  • Event: Bangalore Ruby User Group - 2023 (In-Person) - Sept., 2023
  • About: Observability, Rails, Ruby
  • Slides

Distributed Tracing with Tempo and TraceQL - KCD Bengaluru, 2023

Talk is about Basics of Distributed Tracing, and deep dive into Tempo.

Distributed Tracing is the core part of the modern observability stack. In this talk, I Introduce the audience to Distributed Tracing, How it works?, where they can use Distributed Tracing, and ways to use TraceQL to get insights from Traces.

Talk goes into the motivation behind building Tempo, and Its Architecture, how we built TraceQL, and finish off with a demo to showcase TraceQL.

  • Event: Kubernetes Community Days Bengaluru - 2023 (In-Person) - June, 2023
  • About: Observability, Distributed Tracing, Tempo
  • Slides, Video

Introduction to Distributed Tracing - IG Group Meetup, 2023

Talk about Basics of Distributed Tracing, what it is, how you can do it, and when you should it.

This talk goes more into TraceQL, it’s usage, and how you can use Tempo Metrics Generator to generate metrics from spans, and have better Application Insights workflow.

  • Event: Technology Meetup - IG Group, Bangalore - Mar, 2023
  • About: Observability, Distributed Tracing
  • Slides

Lessons Learned Building a Global Synthetic Monitoring System - SRECon APAC, 2022

In this talk, I will share lessons learned while building, deploying, and operating a global network of blackbox monitoring probes built using blackbox exporter as the core of the system.

I will also talk about design choices we made, evolved the deployment and rollout process of probes using RKE, and security practices used to secure the probes.

Introduction to Distributed Tracing - DevOpsDays India, 2022

Talk about Basics of Distributed Tracing, what it is, how you can do it, and when you should it.

Introduction to Observability - .meetup/devops, 2022

Talked about fundamentals, history and what it means to have Observability for your services.

Synthetic Monitoring: what, why, and how? - Bangalore Observability Meetup, 2021

Synthetic Monitoring is important piece of observability story, and it’s also the most ignored piece when organizations think about observability. this talk is about what is Synthetic Monitoring, why do you need it, and how you can adopt it at your organization.

  • Event: Bangalore Observability Meetup - June, 2021
  • About: Observability, Synthetic Monitoring
  • Slides, Video

Learnings from my days at an early-stage startup - InOut 7.0, 2020

Some insights on how working at an early-stage startup boosts your all-round development, and other tidbits from my days at an early-stage

CSV Processing at Scale - LSPE India, 2019

How we built “Rig” to handle 100+ Mil(with 2GB+ files) csv rows per day

  • Event: Large Scale Production Engineering (India) - Dec, 2019
  • About: Apache Drill, GCS, Kubernetes, Go, gRPC
  • Slides

Building DSLs with Ruby - BRUG, 2019

On Benefits and use cases of DSLs, and how we are using DSLs at Clarisights

  • Event: Bangalore Ruby User Group - Nov, 2019
  • About: Ruby, DSLs, CronJobs, Alerting
  • Slides

Building Kubernetes Autoscaler - BRUG, 2019

How we built PHPA, and lessons learned while building and running it in production.

  • Event: Bangalore Ruby User Group - Apr, 2019
  • About: Ruby, Kubernetes, Graphite, InfluxDB
  • Slides

Stay in touch on twitter @electron0zero

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